
Our balavihar classes at Crossroads South Middle School have ended for the academic year.

Have a great summer! Will see you all when the next school year begins.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Teacher Contacts

Below are the email id.s of the sevikas of 2nd grade class. Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions or concerns. Hope to have a wonderful experience with the 1st graders this year :).

Rashmi Kashi -- rashmikashi [] yahoo [] com

Prajna Madhusudhan -- prajna [] madhusudhan [] gmail [] com

Madhuri Waghulde -- madhuripw [] yahoo [] com

Shilpa Venkatesh -- cssandhya [] gmail [] com

Note : The e-mail addresses above have been ciphered ;), to prevent automatic e-mail parsing software from deciphering for mass e-mailing purposes or spams. Please translate them accordingly.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Video on kindness

During the 'Seva project', for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, our class watched a very nice, heart warming and touching video regarding kindness.  Through this video, the class saw that their one little act of kindness had the potential to trickle down to many people at many levels!  Below is the link to that video.  Enjoy... and be kind :).

Check list for our little nandana-s / nandinI-s

nadana (boys) / nandinI (girls) means one who gives delight to their parents.  

If a child responds with a 'Yes' to all the below questions, he qualifies to be a nandana/nandinI to his/her parents.
  1. My room is never messy.
  2. I never throw papers and clothes on the floor, especially in my room.
  3. My desk is all organized.
  4. I never throw tantrums.
  5. I always help my mom/dad.
  6. I have a good report card.
  7. I never use bad words.
  8. I have good manners.
  9. I am always responsible.
  10. I am always polite and speak nicely to all.
Are you a nandana / nandinI?!!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012