
Our balavihar classes at Crossroads South Middle School have ended for the academic year.

Have a great summer! Will see you all when the next school year begins.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16th Class

Beginning Prayers:
  • 'om' chanting - 3 times
  • meditation
  • shuklaambaradharam, saraswati namastubhyam, gururbrahma
gitaa chanting:
  • 13th adhyaaya 1st shloka
hanumaan shlokas/bhajans:
  • buddhirbalam
Brain Storming:
  • None
Story time:
  • Empty Pot
  • None
Ending Prayers:
  • pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
Rashmi Aunty and Prajna didi:
Madhuri Aunty and Shilpa Aunty:


We hope your children really enjoyed their first day today at balavihar! We sure did!!
As many of you may know, this year, we will be talking about hanumaan, the SUPER superman! As part of the curriculum, the children need a book called Superman Hanuman, which is available very conveniently at the book stall, which is present every week at Crossroads School during our Balavihar classes!

So, we began today's class the same way we will begin every class-- with 3 OMs, a short meditation period,  sahanaavavatu, and three shlokas: shuklaambaradharam viShNum, saraswati namastubhyam, and gururbrahma.

The children learnt about the immense change a small variation in a sanskrit word can make, by noting the difference between 'saraswati namastubhyam' and 'saraswateee namastubhyam'.  'saraswati namstubhyam' means, 'saraswati, I pray to you', but if it is elongated as 'saraswatee', it becomes, 'saraswati IS, I pray to you', which doesn't make a correct sentence.  Hence we have to keep in mind to pronounce the words correctly.

We also began the bhagavadgItaa chanting practice today! This year, for the competition, the second graders need to learn shlokas 1-15 of Chapter 13 of the gItaa, or kShetra-kShetrajna yoga.

We then learnt the shloka of srI hanumaan, 'buddhirbalam', initiating our learning about the Super Superman, hanumaan.

Today, we also listened to a wonderful story that taught us that we should always be courageous and honest, and we should never be afraid to tell the truth, even if others don't. Ask your children about it! Hint: it involves seeds!  This story taught us one of the important characteristics of our Super Superman, hanumaan - Courage!  One needs to have a spine to stand up tall (like vertebrates).  But then, there are a few characteristics like this, that constitute for an invisible spine.  We shall learn more about them as the days go by.

We have split the children into two sections today.  From next class onwards, you can drop off your children in their respective class rooms - C107 or C108.  (Ask your children which section they belong to).

See you all next week!