Beginning Prayers:
Whole class did Japa Mala Shri Rama jaya Rama jaya jaya Rama
Brainstorming : What is Fame? How do we achive it?
Activity: What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up
Bhajan Parijatha Tharunivasa
Dhairyam Courage
What is Courage?
Tale: The Transformation Of Ratnakara
Rosa Park's Courage
Bhagavad Gita Verses: 1-4
Hanuman chalisa Chanting
Oct 28th :CORD
- 'om' chanting - 3 times
- meditation
- shuklaambaradharam, saraswati namastubhyam, gururbrahma
gitaa chanting:
- 13th adhyaaya 1- 3 shlokas
hanumaan shlokas/bhajans:
- buddhirbalam
- hanumaan chaalIsa 1- 6 chaupas
Brain Storming:
- What is health
- What is alertness
Story time:
- If 'something' is lost.... quote
- Lazy Misty
- How Leo learned to be King
- 'PS check please' - Police, catch the thieves game
Ending Prayers:
- sarvebhavantu sukhinaH
- pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
- aarati and pledge
Rashmi Aunty and Prajna didi:
Oh, what a fun class it was today! These are a set of super smart 2nd graders! They already know the 1st verse of the 13th chapter!! When we started the gItaa chanting, we thought they would fumble and falter after 'arjuna uvaacha'... but, lo and behold, they very fluently continued into the whole verse and went into the beginning of the 2nd verse as well. We were so pleasantly surprised! Good going kids and parents, nice encouragement and home :).
Proceeding on to learning the meaning of the hanumaan shloka, we learnt about the meaning of the word 'arogataa' -> 'without diseases'. We had a little Sanskrit lesson too, as in, we learnt how easily our wrong pronunciation can give the complete opposite meaning. We spoke about 2 kinds of health - mental and physical. Both are essential for our well being.
To learn about 'ajaaDhyam', which means 'without laziness', that is - being alert. To understand better, we heard two different stories - Lazy Misty and How Leo learned to be King. We had interesting conversations during this time :). Please ask your children what they remember from those conversations. To make sure we are all alert, we have come up with a game, which we shall keep playing time and again during our next class. It is called 'PS check please' game. Pssst... It stands for 'Posture and Smile check please' :). The whole class has to be police. If they see someone who does not have good posture or is not happily participating in the class, they would be caught as thieves! There is a little twist to the game. If aunty or didi say 'PS check' with their right hand raised, then the police get to work. But if they raise the left hand and say, then all the alert police say, 'false alarm'! If someone catches thieves for the left hand raise, then they themselves shall be thieves :). We all strive to not become thieves and remain police, police our own posture and smiles that is... This keeps us alert and attentive. We had a lot of fun playing this game today.
We then spoke about CORD walkathon. We will be meeting at the Mercer County Park next week and have an open air (short) balavihar session and proceed to the walkathon. It is load of fun! We will see you all there. Remember, it counts for the attendance prize :). If you have not already registered, please do so at the above link, in the announcements section.
See you at the park next week!
Proceeding on to learning the meaning of the hanumaan shloka, we learnt about the meaning of the word 'arogataa' -> 'without diseases'. We had a little Sanskrit lesson too, as in, we learnt how easily our wrong pronunciation can give the complete opposite meaning. We spoke about 2 kinds of health - mental and physical. Both are essential for our well being.
To learn about 'ajaaDhyam', which means 'without laziness', that is - being alert. To understand better, we heard two different stories - Lazy Misty and How Leo learned to be King. We had interesting conversations during this time :). Please ask your children what they remember from those conversations. To make sure we are all alert, we have come up with a game, which we shall keep playing time and again during our next class. It is called 'PS check please' game. Pssst... It stands for 'Posture and Smile check please' :). The whole class has to be police. If they see someone who does not have good posture or is not happily participating in the class, they would be caught as thieves! There is a little twist to the game. If aunty or didi say 'PS check' with their right hand raised, then the police get to work. But if they raise the left hand and say, then all the alert police say, 'false alarm'! If someone catches thieves for the left hand raise, then they themselves shall be thieves :). We all strive to not become thieves and remain police, police our own posture and smiles that is... This keeps us alert and attentive. We had a lot of fun playing this game today.
We then spoke about CORD walkathon. We will be meeting at the Mercer County Park next week and have an open air (short) balavihar session and proceed to the walkathon. It is load of fun! We will see you all there. Remember, it counts for the attendance prize :). If you have not already registered, please do so at the above link, in the announcements section.
See you at the park next week!
Madhuri Aunty and Shilpa Aunty:
Whole class did Japa Mala Shri Rama jaya Rama jaya jaya Rama
Brainstorming : What is Fame? How do we achive it?
Activity: What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up
Bhajan Parijatha Tharunivasa
Dhairyam Courage
What is Courage?
Tale: The Transformation Of Ratnakara
Rosa Park's Courage
Bhagavad Gita Verses: 1-4
Hanuman chalisa Chanting
Oct 28th :CORD