In Hanuman chalisa we are doing Chaupai 27
Saba par Ram Thapasvi raja
We learned about the tapasya done by Rakshasas like Ravana, Hiranyakashipu that was prompted by their desire to dominate, destroy opposition.These stories provided the perfect landing today with the story of Prahlada and Holika telling the story of Holiday.We celebrated in a small way with a dab of Holi color on their foreheads and a sweet treat!
Do remember to ask your child about an interesting discussion we had in class about keeping thought,word and deed in line and when it is ok to deviate. In their words- when is it ok to lie?
We love and encourage free thinking.Do write / talk to us to let us know how your child responds to things we talk about here.
Finally,some housekeeping rules- please have the kids bring paper,notebook, pencils when they come,They do feel out of place when everybody is writing and they can't because they weren't prepared.
.Please have the children have a drink and use the bathroom before classroom to have minimal disruption.
Thanks and be back in 2 weeks.
Uma Aunti and Prajna didi