
Our balavihar classes at Crossroads South Middle School have ended for the academic year.

Have a great summer! Will see you all when the next school year begins.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Check list for our little nandana-s / nandinI-s

nadana (boys) / nandinI (girls) means one who gives delight to their parents.  

If a child responds with a 'Yes' to all the below questions, he qualifies to be a nandana/nandinI to his/her parents.
  1. My room is never messy.
  2. I never throw papers and clothes on the floor, especially in my room.
  3. My desk is all organized.
  4. I never throw tantrums.
  5. I always help my mom/dad.
  6. I have a good report card.
  7. I never use bad words.
  8. I have good manners.
  9. I am always responsible.
  10. I am always polite and speak nicely to all.
Are you a nandana / nandinI?!!