
Our balavihar classes at Crossroads South Middle School have ended for the academic year.

Have a great summer! Will see you all when the next school year begins.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6th Class

Beginning Prayers:
  • 'om' chanting - 3 times
  • meditation
  • shuklaambaradharam, saraswati namastubhyam, gururbrahma
gitaa chanting:
  • 13th adhyaaya 1- 8 shlokas
hanumaan shlokas/bhajans:
  • buddhirbalam
  • hanumaan chaalIsa 1-16 chaupas
Brain Storming:
  • What is makes one beautiful
  • What is brilliance
  • Why was hanumaan brilliant
Story time:
  • Ramu and Kanu, two good friends
  • hanumaan's flight
  • None
Ending Prayers:
  • sarvebhavantu sukhinaH
  • pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
  • aarati and pledge
Rashmi Aunty and Prajna didi:
Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you all enjoyed a nice winter break.  Our first session of the year was very interesting!  We had a great brainstorming session of what makes us beautiful.  We spoke about how we can beautify our hands, lips, eyes, ears, etc.  We discussed how lipstick, makeup, ornaments that we think, beautify us, are temporary.  They wash off, fade off or lose their luster.  But what keeps them permanently beautiful are – good speech, charity, seeing good things, listening to good things, etc.   We discussed how hanumaan had barely any accessories, but He always looked attractive!  What gave him that luster was, his every readiness to serve the Lord.  His brilliance came from Him being constantly engaged in the Lord.  We discussed about how hanumaan was completely focused on his assignment, even during his flight to lankaa.  He did not let any of the hurdles deter his determination.

We are progressing well in all arenas!  The gItaa chanting, hanumaan chaalIsa, etc are coming well.  Please remember to keep up the practice.  We will see you all next Sunday. 

Madhuri Aunty and Shilpa Aunty:

This week in class

We welcomed each other with new year greeting for 2013.

Began with the starting prayers.
Did meditation with Japa mala
Students who came on time got stickers!.

We chanted Dhyana sloka, Hanuman chalisa and Bhagavad Gita verses 1-10

We also are learning meaning of each chaupai in hanuman chalisa.

We have completed learning meanings with stories on Doha and first and second chaupais.

It was very good to see everyone comeback with lots of energy!.

Our humble thanks to all kids and parents who contributed towards the breakfast bags. The children at TASK we much appreciated it.

Will see you all in the next class.

Hari om