
Our balavihar classes at Crossroads South Middle School have ended for the academic year.

Have a great summer! Will see you all when the next school year begins.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7th Class

Beginning Prayers:
  • 'om' chanting - 3 times
  • meditation
  • shuklaambaradharam, saraswati namastubhyam, gururbrahma
gitaa chanting:
  • 13th adhyaaya 1- 15 shlokas
hanumaan shlokas/bhajans:
  • buddhirbalam
  • hanumaan chaalIsa 1- 33 chaupas
Brain Storming:
  • What is the magic cure of all the problems
  • What was the boon mother sItaa gave to hanumaan
  • How are our miseries relieved
  • What happens when we worship hanumaan
Story time:
  • Learn about aShTa siddhi-s
  • Who is a haribhakta
    • The difference
    • The desire
    • Don’t blame the Lord
  • Our class presentation for the annual day
Ending Prayers:
  • sarvebhavantu sukhinaH
  • pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
  • aarati and pledge
Rashmi Aunty and Prajna didi:
It was nice seeing all the smiling faces after such a long break.  We sure missed you.  Hope you all had a great spring break.

It is nice to see that many of you are registered for the gItaa chanting competition.  We strongly encourage ALL of you to register and participate.  They have really worked hard through out the year and it will be a very rewarding experience for them.

Also, our class will be performing on the stage for the annual day program on May 5th.  We will be talking more about it in the next couple of classes.  Since we will have only 2 more classes, it is crucial that they attend regularly.  Parents please make sure they are prepared.

In the story time today, we have discussed many big words like- aShTa-siddhi's namely - aNimaa (becoming as small as an atom), mahimaa (becoming as big as a mountain), garimaa (being heavy as a mountain), laghimaa (being light as a feather), praaptiH (attaining everything), pratyakSha (self illuminating), Ishitva (lordship of oneself), vashitva (controlling everything, including oneself) - these are the aShTa-siddhi-s that sItaa maata granted to hanumaan, and also the power to bestow it upon anyone he pleases!!  So, let's get praying to hanumaan for the attainment of the aShTa-siddhi-s as well all the nava-nidhi-s (9 treasures of wealth).

We also listened to 3 different stories to see what makes a true devotee, different from anyone else!  

So, let's get praying, without being attached to any material returns or blaming the Lord for any disappointments.

See you all next week.  Until then, remember to practice your chanting.  Let's win that ice-cream party for the highest participation for any class! :).

Madhuri Aunty and Shilpa Aunty:

Hari Om